Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Lester the elf

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Confession about Santa

Monday, December 14, 2009
Cousins & pictures
Cadyn trying to check herself out in the mirror.
Look at that little foot. How chubby & adorable is it?
Abby & Quinlynne getting cookies for being so good.
Quinlynne & Abby watching a movie while Mandy & I made decisions.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Finally Finals are over
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Three Little Pigs- new version
Friday, November 13, 2009
Since I'm talking about being in the PACU, let me include a picture of my child when she was 11 months old, in the PACU.

This was when she had her adenoids removed. I knew something was wrong when it had been over an hour since they took her back to the OR. Seems as though Quinlynne would not start breathing on her own after they stopped anesthesia. I knew she had scared everyone in all of the ORs, because they kept coming out (after I was with her) to look at her, but trying to look nonchalant. What's that old saying "Can't BS a BSer"? I know how to downplay things so people won't worry. I could feel all this gunk rattling around in my baby's chest, and the ambu bag which had not yet been discarded from surgery lying on her bed. Oh well- she came by the adenoid thing rightfully, I had mine removed 3 times, and Adar has always had problems with his. What a combination. So far, Quinlynne has had hers removed twice. I wonder how many times it'll take? Thank goodness for modern medicine and the people who Heavenly Father had with her in the room that day.
I hope that as a healthcare provider, I will be able to be a person patients and their families will be thankful for. It's my goal!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Halloween 2009

Saturday, October 31, 2009
Cast is off
She's checking out the machine...not sure what is gonna happen.

Sawing, sawing, sawing.

Here's my arm, momma!


Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Our SCARY jack-o-lantern

Sorry about the blurriness of the dark picture. But, you get the idea.

SOOOOO spooky, isn't it?
Kinky or straight?

Thursday, October 22, 2009
That Fall time of year
It was super muddy out there. It was also super busy. I've never been there when it was that busy. There was also a nip in the air. This was not the best for picture taking. Quinlynne did not want to take her jacket off. So- I didn't really get many pictures of her with her pumpkin shirt on. The few that I did get- she was crying because she wanted her jacket on again.
We ended up running into a friend of mine from nursing school. She was out there with her family. Quinlynne has had a few play dates with her girls, so it was fun to watch them hook up. Quinlynne is about a year older than my friend's oldest daughter. Quinlynne and Cady enjoyed playing follow the leader. I think Quinlynne just likes trying to take control. Anyhow, the two of them were standing up on this hay bale to look at some animals. I got the cutest picture.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Anything wrong with this picture?

Monday, October 19, 2009
Been too long

Needless to say, it has been entirely too long since I've posted. I am now in the midst of my med/surg clinical rotations. I'm in Hell.
I have tons of pictures I need to edit & save to my computer. But here's one for you. This is from when Quinlynne's eardrum had ruptured & we were having to put ear drops into her ear. She hated it. I remember having to get eardrops put in when I was her age & how much I detested it. Poor thing. And look at her curled up on her changing pad. Definitely not the 19 inch long baby girl I brought home from the hospital.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Class Act

Monday, October 5, 2009
Poor little thing
Friday, October 2, 2009
more little things

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009

This was at Logan Salat's birthday party. Her bib was bigger than her. But- it was red, white & blue. So was her outfit. She was about 7 weeks old here.
Look at those little leg rolls.
Hat & mittens from Grandi & Poppa on her 1st Christmas. She went right down for a nap after this.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Pork chops, dinner rolls, butter, etc.

This dress would not have been a bad idea if she had been waering a tshirt underneath, or a little cardigan on top. But the only thing this young gal had on underneath was her strapless bra.
So- two things in one day. A young lady committing a major fashion faux pas, and a new saying. Anyone else like a little butter with their bread??
Friday, September 11, 2009
Rear end

Am I totally uptight, or is there entirely too much usage of the word (I'm going to actually write it out once, in case you're wondering and can't figure it out) ass on TV & radio nowadays? I consider myself to be rather liberal, but seriously? I don't want to hear it, and I certainly don't want my child (or anyone else's child under my watchful eye) hearing it. I haven't even watched the show "Dance your ___ Off" because I'm pretty off-put by the title. People are saying it in clips that we see for sitcoms, it's on the radio, in commercials, everything. I don't think I should have to worry so much about the language that will be on TV in the middle of the day or early evening....especially when I have it tuned in to ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, etc. I don't consider TBS or TNT to be especially "risky" TV stations, but gaaawwwwleeee (pronounced like Gomer Pyle is saying it)! Also- I'm attacked by this little 3 letter word when I'm driving in my car listening to the radio. I will admit, I was listening to a country station recently & they announced a new song. Kind of a catchy tune. But the first few words, and the repeated lyrics, are "I've got my toes in the water, ___ in the sand". Seriously? What the heck? Please tell me I'm not the only person who is noticing this. Am I just noticing it now because I'm more cognizant of things due to my 4 year old sponge?