Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween 2009

This year Quinlynne had quite the time deciding what she was going to be. Then she broke her arm & we didn't know if the cast was still going to be in place on the big night. Turns out she had a splint, but she still went as a ladybug. I wanted her to be a princess- but the thought that won me over for the ladybug? How many more times am I going to get to see her dressed up CUTE? I had a test today, so Uncle Charlie & Aunt Connie had her for the weekend so I could study. I had to work in trick-or-treating in there somehow.
Quinlynne came home about 4:30 on Saturday evening so I could get her ready. I painted her face. At first she wasn't too sure about what I was doing....but neither was I! After each phase of the makeup application, Quinlynne would get up & run to the bathroom mirror to see what was going on on her face. I knew I had done something right when I heard her shrieks of approval & her making "OOOOOH" sounds in the bathroom.
We went to downtown Broken Arrow for some Halloween action. It was satisfactory. That is all I have to say about it. We then came back to our neighborhood & hit the few houses that had their lights on.
I dressed up (at the last minute) as a gypsy. The thing is...I don't think most people realized I was dressed up! I had on lots of mismatched jewelry, a scarf around my head, I don't know what I could have done differently. Oh well.


Brenda said...

SO cute! I'm very impressed with the makeup!

Anonymous said...

DAAARLING! I love those eyelashes. What a great idea!

Lakshmi said...

WOW! she is soo CUTE!!!!!