Friday, May 8, 2009

Flesh colored tights

We (Quinlynne and I) had to go get "flesh colored tights" for her dance recital. I thought having Quinlynne with me would be the best bet. After picking her up from school, we drove all the way over to 101st & Sheridan to a dance shop that a mom at Quinlynne's studio just raves about. We get there to discover they close at 6:00. It is 6:10. I don't get this. Why do stores set their hours as 10:00-6:00? How do they make any money? How do you expect to get a lot of patronage when your hours are when people are at work? So, we take a chance and go to our stand-by dance shop at 61st & Memorial. We pull up and there are no cars....but they are open!!! So I go in and tell the lady what I need. Of course they don't have any of the cheaper Danskin tights, so we have to go with Capezio. THEN, the lady at the store tried to tell me how to put the tights on her. I thought seriously lady?? I don't know how I made it to 33 years of age without your advice on how to put on tights. Not to mention 16 years of dance classes for myself and the tights required for that. Whatever, I left with a pair of "flesh colored tights" (which I detest, and I think they'll look just lovely on my 3 year old biracial daughter) which I will accordingly place on my daughter's cute little legs.


dyanna said...

I like your blog.I'm waiting for your new posts.

Anonymous said...

Не знаеш сколько времени я тут сижу? мм.. есть мега мысль по[url=] видео[/url] порталу Думаю вам понравится

[url=]902320 [/url]
aнекдот для разнообразия :)

Защемив себе пальцы руки, сантехник Иванов как всегда хотел было рассказать об ужасной боли оторая терзал все нервные окончнаия его распухших пальцев и о том как его тонкая и чувствительнаяф натурп страдает, но как обычно получилось всгео-лишь “Ёб... мать!"

Я 8 чяаосв блуждала по сети, пока не вышела на ваш форум! Думаю, я здась останусь надолго!
прошу прощения за опечатки.... очень маленькая клавиатура у DPA!


Anonymous said...

Хорошая статья. Действительно было интересно почитать. Не часто такое и встречается та.Наверное стоит подписаться на ваше RSS