Tuesday, May 26, 2009
New Chore for Miss Thang
I decided I'm tired of Quinlynne not doing anything. So, last week I kind of showed her how to make her bed. She started whining that she couldn't do it, but I had to tell her that she most definitely COULD, and she WOULD. I had to tell her how she could stand on her bed to pull up the sheets on the side near the wall. She did think that was pretty cool. So, here's a pic of the fruits of her labor. Please disregard the mess on the floor.

Sunday, May 24, 2009
С днем рождения, Isaiah
Do you know what that means? Happy Birthday, Isaiah!
Quinlynne's betrothed, Isaiah, turned 4. His birthday party was yesterday. It was at the water pad, but we were told that the water most definitely NOT be on. That was okay, we'd just let the kids play on the regular park toys. I got a phone call from Isaiah's mom, Angie, telling me that Quinlynne should wear her swimsuit because the water WAS on.

Quinlynne was very excited to wear one of her new swimsuits. She did look adorable.

The kids had a blast playing in the water. It was quite humid and hot. Until it was time for cake & presents. Then a wind picked up and it just started storming something terrible. What a backdrop for the present opening pictures.

Saturday, May 23, 2009
Stillwater's Jumpin' Lil Juke Joint
No trip to Oklahoma would be complete if a trip to Stillwater for Cheese fries from Eskimo Joe's did not occur. My friend Brenda has been seeking refuge/doing time back here in Broken Arrow since November. Unfortunately for us, she will be leaving for her home in Arizona this coming Monday. So, before she leaves we decided that we needed to take our kids (minus Baby Seth) for some cheese fries in Stillwater. Of course the camera had to come along with us for photo ops.

After we ate our burgers & fries, we went for a little drive & took the kids to Theta Pond on OSU's campus. There are ducks & geese, plenty of shade, and pretty spots for photos. There are some strange root looking things sticking up out of the pond.

Brenda & I both took pictures of ourselves with our children. She and the boys are so photogenic...kinda makes me ill. I do not take pictures as well. Maybe it's the 4 chins I have?

Then, Hunter & Quinlynne decided they needed to take pictures together. Those two are such nuts! I can't speak for Hunter, but I know that Quinlynne will definitely miss her partner, Hunter, when he goes back to Arizona. I guess that just means we'll have to load up at some point and pay a visit. (Is that a threat??)

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Are we running a wildlife refuge?
A few weeks ago I noticed a strange, loud noise from the back porch. I was not sure what exactly it was, but I wasn't going to go in search of the source. A few days later mom asked what I thought it was. She said a cricket, but I knew it wasn't a cricket. Then I thought it was perhaps a circadia. Nope, wasn't that either. You know what it was???? It was this little fellow right here.

First the opossums, then this frog? What's nextfor the Hoffman house? A Kangaroo? Please disregard the dirty windows. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Cowboy Up!
I have always wanted to the Rooster Days Rodeo. I had never been. It always just slipped my mind, until I could hear it going on each year across the highway from my house. This year- I said aloud to mom "We're going to go to the rodeo this year." So, last Friday we went to the rodeo. It was supposed to storm and the impending weather had my head just absolutely pounding. But, we loaded up and went. Quinlynne really liked looking at the horses.

As soon as the bull riding was over, the wind picked up and sprinkles began. By the time we made it to the vuck (van/truck= Chevy Uplander) it was beginning to pour. It took us quite a long time to get out of the parking area, but we just listened to music. We also enjoyed watching the cowboys. I made the mistake of commenting how hot the one in front of our vuck was. He then got in his dualie and Quinlynne said "Momma- I can't see him!!" So, I rolled down my window and he rolled down his and we started chatting. How funny is that??
The recital- lots of pics.
So, I told you about the recital. I notified you it was coming up. Here we go with details about it. Early Sunday morning we had to be at the PAC for the walk-through. Quinlynne thought she was big stuff with her ballet shoes in her pink furry purse.

I did put a little makeup on Quinlynne. She absolutely loved that. I even put mascara on her. It is unfair how long that girl's eyelashes are. I have to put on two coats and don't even get half of what I got from a light coat on hers! Lucky! I started out in row U of the PAC. Little by little, the people started leaving. Quinlynne's dance was next to the last number (which is entirely too long ask 3-4 year olds to wait & then concentrate on a dance, if you ask me). By Quinlynne's number, we (My brother & I first, then we were joined by Angie & her boys) ended up in the very front row center! I was able to get clear pictures of Quinlynne.

After the recital I had to go pick up Quinlynne from the backstage area. I had some flowers for her. Here are some pictures of her with the little girls whom she's been in dance class with for 2 years now. Aren't they adorable with their flowers?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Preschool performance
This is part of a song that Quinlynne's class performed for the Preschool Graduation on Monday night. She did quite well. She was quite upset and had quite the sourpuss look on her face when she walked in, and once she stood up in front of everyone. She was looking all over, and had this...this....look. I finally stood up and waved my arm. She spotted me, Uncle Charlie & Aunt Connie. She got a huge smile, then was ready to perform. She just needed to know someone was there to root her on!
tee tiny
Last Friday I was on a walk, and I saw a turtle trying to cross the road. So, I risked my life for the poor creature (j/k- there were no cars coming). I picked up the turtle and carried it to the nearby ditch, where there was a lot of grass and water. During the entire walk I had been noticing squashed turtles, worms, snakes, frogs, etc. I happened to look down and saw this tiny little green round circle. To my surprise, it was a baby turtle- still alive! I picked it up and continued along my walk. I got it home and HAD to take a picture of it. I used something for size comparison in the picture. Being the good friend I am, I called Brenda to see if she and her boys would like to play with the turtle. Of course they would!!! Poor Quinlynne didn't get to see the baby turtle, but she'll survive. I had NEVER seen such a tiny turtle. Take a gander at it!

Friday, May 15, 2009
Can you guess who this is a picture of?? Anyone? Anyone???

Isn't that an absolutely adorable little girl? And her mother was so fashion savvy.....the mullet-ish hairdo (I think it was because her hair on top just hadn't grown a whole lot yet), the red knee socks with the dress.... It WAS 1977 when this picture was taken. I suppose knee socks were all the rage, look at reruns of The Brady Bunch. That adorable little girl in the picture is none other than Shandolynne Paige Hoffman, as a toddler.
Does anyone know what that stands for? Anyone?? It stands for Thumb Sucking Appliance. That is what I took Quinlynne to Frisco, TX to be fitted for this week. I have a friend who works for a Pediatric dentist there, and I got a good deal on it. As most of you know, I have been fighting Quinlynne and her finger sucking habit for ages. Her fingers are deformed because of this habit. (I'll try to get a picture of those later for you to look at.) I have tried so many different things to get her to stop. Every time I see those fingers in that mouth- $$$$ is all I see. It's starting to affect some of her speech sounds. Desperate times call for desperate measures. We had been to the dentist once before, but they didn't even really get to inspect her teeth. So, we went to Dr. Rubin and Quinlynne had some xrays taken (have bad news about that).

They made a mold of her mouth to have the TSA made. When they took her back to inspect her further and make her mold, I left. They are the experts and I wanted them to do what they do. I just snuck back for a few pics and didn't let her see me. When she came out she had big tears in her eyes and she told me she had been crying, that they stuck play dough in her mouth, and she had been crying for me, she wanted me. Talk about make my heart break! I am assuming they cleaned her teeth because she told me they flossed her teeth and her teeth look "Sooo bootiful". She even got a new pair of sunglasses to wear while they worked on her!

watching Cadyn

Last Saturday Quinlynne and I got to watch Cadyn. It was just for a few hours, but we thoroughly enjoyed it. I got to give her a bath, dress her, we went to Walmart, and play with her. Quinlynne definitely thought it was fun to play with her Baby Cadyn.

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