Monday, March 10, 2008

List for Tricia

I don't know if any of you realize this- I'm sure you do, but I am totally into reading the blog of a family in North Carolina. It is It is the story of Nathan, Tricia and their baby girl, Gwyneth. Anyhow- go check out the blog I mentioned, then the list I am about to post will make sense to you.

Tricia, I am a single mom- so maybe my list will me a little bit different than other moms'. Either way...I'm sure the list could go on, and on, and on.... I know you look forward to all of these things:

- Never being able to go ANYWHERE with a clean shirt.

- Not being able to just leave the house at a moments' notice, as you have to pack everything, including the kitchen sink, when going someplace....'cause you never know when you just might need something.

- The first time your baby girl says "Momma...".

- About a year or a year and a half later and hearing "Momma, Momma, Momma, Momma" from the backseat...and then realize YOU are momma.

- Your baby girl wanting to just be by you, and not being able to get close enough, when she's tired.

- Going in to check on your baby girl late at night in her crib, having to pick her up, and her saying "Momma?"'re the first thing that goes through her mind!

- Being totally into a Sunday School lesson and having the nursery worker bring her to you for a diaper change...she's stinky!

- Sitting in the middle of church and continuing to think your baby has a dirty diaper on, only to realize she was with your aunt and uncle the night before and she had beans for dinner.... stinky toots!

- (I can't believe I'm about to admit this one...) Being glad you have your baby with you in the store because you have the toots yourself and you know everyone just thinks that nasty smell is your baby's diaper.

- Strolling places with your baby and having people stare and tell you how beautiful she is.

- Looking at this precious baby who grew inside of your womb, whom you felt moving inside of you, amazed that she was just inside of you, and in awe that Heavenly Father trusts you with this beautiful, precious, amazing gift.

- Your first Christmas as a mom... The entire Christmas story has a whole new meaning, and feeling a new love and kinship with Mary.

- Walking in the door and hearing your baby's feet running towards you so she can hug you and say your name.

- Leaving a restaurant floor messy.

- Not being able to drive with two hands on the hand is trying to find a pacifier to shut the urchin up!

- I could go on and on and on....but there are so many I could be here all day! I can't wait for you to have it all!


1 comment:

miamore said...

I LOVE your list, Shandy... some of those entries...I can't believe you blame your toots on your poor daughter! One day I'm going to tell her!

Isn't every day wonderful with a little girl?? You're right! What DID we do before they were a part of our lives??