Monday, March 24, 2008

dye job

Well, this year I finally had the courage to dye Easter eggs with Quinlynne. Grandi had to go out of town, so we had Uncle Charlie and Aunt Connie (or Uncle Connie as Quinlynne calls her) come over on Friday night. We grilled hamburgers and ate, and dyed Easter Eggs.
Quinlynne did pretty well. She only cracked a couple of eggs. She took it upon herself to go ahead and peel one she had cracked. She got the shell all off and the yolk came out of the egg. She thought that was pretty nifty. Then she looked at us and said ""Shooeeey!" She had noticed the smell of eggs.

Anyhow, we taught her how to color on the egg with Crayons, then put the egg in the dye. She did quite well, making pretty circles on her first egg.
About halfway through, after taking the eggs out of the dye, I realized the Crayon colorings were coming off the eggs.....duh- Washable Crayons! And could I find regular ones to save my life? No! Nonetheless, we were productive and they turned out pretty! Quinlynne kept looking in the basket saying "Color eggs!"

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