Monday, March 30, 2009

We found bunny rabbit rails all over the yard in the snow. I saw like 5 of them out hopping all around last night. Quinlynne thought that was super cool. Then, I've saved the best pictures for last.....I pushed her down in the snow to show her how to make a snow angel, and she did not like that. She started crying and saying it was way too cold. Then, she went inside to tell Grandi on me!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Friday, March 27, 2009
Poppa's Girl
Rain rain go away

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Little Old Lady from Pasadena

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009
This is for all the married ladies
I met a guy on some website (don't judge) a long time ago. I recently began chatting with him, and we have spoken over the phone. I was thinking good things about him for a while. He is 37, has been married once, is educated, has custody of his daughter, uses proper grammar, does not curse, somewhat intellectual, is a veteran. He fought for custody of his daughter because the mom and her boyfriend were "disciplining" her in a cruel way. There were a few red flags I noticed- but we won't go into those. Let's jump right to the biggie. I was talking to him and he said that he was going through his paperwork and putting statements into the correct folders, etc. He told me that he has insurance on his daughter through CHAMPVA, so it pays 75% on medical bills and he pays 25%, after the $50 yearly deductible. He said he always keeps her statements and bills in a folder. He said he was toying around with the idea of keeping track of his out of pocket expenses for medical bills and was going to add them up when she got to 18, or 21 or whatever it was....the age when she gets her trust, and making her pay him back. My mouth dropped open. I said "I hope you're kidding here." He was not. He asked me if I thought that was a good idea. Most certainly I do not!!! He said "Well, why should I have to pay for her stupid mistakes? Like, when she gets into poison ivy, or she has to go to the doctor because she was playing outside without shoes on when it's cold." I told him that was what he was there for- to teach her to not do those things. He kept saying "Well, how is that fair to me???" I asked him if he came out of his mother's womb knowing everything to do in order to stay healthy. He just kept saying that it wasn't fair to him that he should have to pay for these things. I said "Well, I hate to break it to ya, but being a parent isn't fair. When you take on the responsibility to be a parent, you agree to take on these costs and take care of your child." He said "Well, how is that fair? I mean, is it fair that her mom doesn't pay any child support and I have to do it all on my own? I'm the one that set up this trust for her anyhow." I just couldn't believe I was hearing all of this. I told him it wasn't fair that he did it all on his own, but lots of people do. I don't get child support for my daughter, and I don't get any help from him for anything. However, I'm not planning on keeping track of my expenses in order to make Quinlynne pay me back.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
My mom's granddaughters
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
shower pics

Quinlynne was watching me make this bubble bath punch (sherbet and Sprite). She asked me if it was for the baby shower. I told her it was. She said "OOOOh, Momma, the baby gonna be coooold!" I had to laugh, and explain to her that this concoction in the bathtub was not for the baby to bathe, or shower in!

Also, Angela- I WAS getting my CPR cert that day! I was listing all the stuff I had to do this week. You know darn good and well if I'd had a hot date I could not keep my mouth shut about it!!! Also- Hell has not frozen over, to my knowledge.
Stories from a Trucker's daughter
I have a friend whose husband was killed due to some moronic guy who was driving a truck and fell asleep, and used extremely poor driving skills once he realized he had fallen asleep behind the wheel. My friend admitted to be that since the accident, she had a really hard time thinking of my dad as a truck driver. My heart totally went out to her. I explained to her that anyone can get a CDL and crawl behind the wheel of a truck. But, unfortunately, there are very few true truckers out there. You know the ones, they help people who are stranded on the side of the road, they keep their log books up to date, they know all the 2 lane highways in the United States, they refer to police as "smokies", they flash their headlights slowly to let you know it's safe to pull back in front of them, twice quickly to say "thanks", they flash their headlights to let you know there are cops sitting with their radar on, etc. The safety of others and themselves is foremost on their minds. Those are a few things that describe a true trucker, my friends. But, like anything else, it's those bad eggs that spoil the whole darn bunch...and in the process destroy the lives of others.
After the baby shower this weekend, we were sitting around chatting. My cousin CJ brought his girlfriend to meet the family. I was a bit skeptical at first. The others he has brought to meet us....have not been of the highest caliber....that's a polite way to say it. This little girl was adorable. She was intelligent, nice, calm, warm, and seemed normal. Thank goodness! She even sat around to hear stories! We talked about funny things my Granny did with her White Liniment and warm towels, having to lie completely still when we slept with Granny "so we'd grow straight", not being able to talk more than 1 minute after we got in bed with our aunt, Charlsie, etc.
One thing led to another and we told some stories about my dad. I decided to blog about funny stories being a trucker's daughter.
One day a few years ago I was driving home and I saw my dad's truck and trailer sitting loaded in the Atwood's parking lot. It had been quite a while since I'd seen my dad, so I decided to pull over and surprise my dad. Knowing that truckers rarely ever lock the doors on the cab- I got out and opened the driver's door. My dad wasn't sitting there. So, I climbed up to the first step and still didn't see my dad. So, I got in the cab and looked in the sleeper. No dad. I was backing out and I hear foot steps coming up. This man's voice said "Can I help you with something?" It was not my dad's voice. I stammered around and said "Um...I thought this was my dad's truck. I'm so sorry." This man continued to look at me and said "Well, it's not." Dead-pan face. I again apologized and was beginning to sweat. I must have looked on the verge of panic because the guy said "You're Lester's daughter?" I said "Yes. I sure am." He died laughing and told me I was in the right truck. He'd just had to take dad's load someplace because Dad had been asked to take another one of his trucks someplace real quick. Boy! I was relieved. Can you imagine how embarrassing that would have been had it truly been someone else's truck and I totally had climbed on up??
Monday, March 2, 2009
I gave a Baby Shower

Daddy Daughter Dance