Monday, August 17, 2009

Level 2 starting

Well everyone, this will be me (picture above) until December. I must admit, I'm SOOOO not looking forward to this semester. I'm just going to have to keep my nose down & read, read, read each day. The reading is not very stimulating, either. If you ever need a cure for your imsomnia- just let me know & I'd be happy to run my Medical-Surgical Nursing textbook over to you. Please keep your fingers crossed for me, light a candle, say some prayers, whatever it is you can do- I'd appreciate it. I'm still quite uncertain about my ability to complete this difficult semester, but I'll "give it the ole college try"!


Anonymous said...

You are so brave! Good luck!

Angela said...

Remember you could just read to me nightly since you know I am an insomniac!! Also you know I can watch Q when you need a study break!! Love you!