Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Deliciously Decadent

I have some hormone issues right now. Therefore, it is out of my control that everyone I see looks like a huge sinful brownie, or bowl of Cookies n Cream ice cream with chocolate syrup. I want to eat chocolate like there is no tomorrow. Imganie my delight when I saw this huge hunk of cookie at the Walmart Bakery. It is called a Deliciously Decadent Cookie with white chocolate. I decided to get one and try it. I had to take a picture. SO DANG YUMMY! I poured some milk and stuck it in the freezer to get it very nice and cold( the milk got cold, not the cookie)- then I had to indulge. My review: 4 stars & I would recommend it the next time you're needing a fix.


Angela said...

So now I am on my way to Wal-mart! Does 10 bite size Snickers count as a "fix"? ha!

Angela said...

Sorry that should have been "DO"!