Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Someone playing footsie?

Quinlynne spent Saturday with Uncle Charlie and Aunt Connie. She informed Aunt Connie that she needed her fingernails AND toenails painted. So, Aunt Connie was more than willing to go with that. Quinlynne came home with red fingernails and toenails. It wasn't until Sunday morning when we were getting ready for church that Quinlynne realized my toenails were red, too. When we came home from church, Quinlynne whipped off her shoes and tights to show Grandi that our toes indeed did match. (She's very big into things "matching". I think it goes with that age.) Grandi grabbed the camera and took a couple of shots. Please overlook the markings on my feet where my shoes were digging in a little. I apparently was having a pudgy feet day. That happens every now and then to me...ever since I was pregnant with that adorable little curly headed monster.

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