Saturday, January 31, 2009
Read my lips....
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Who says we don't get winter weather?

This is our firewood. Right now I have to bring it inside a little at a time and place it on a towel, to try and let the ice thaw from it before I can put it in the fireplace.

This is Quinlynne's little swimming pool. Care for a swim?

Monday, January 26, 2009
MY Favorite Five
1)Let's see....obviously- I love my family. My parents are great and have taught me many lessons- both good and bad. My brother and I used to be the closest. Not so much any more. I pray our closeness can one day return- he's probably the greatest guy I know. It makes me very sad that we are not the friends we used to be, but like I said- I pray that we can return to what we used to have. You all know how I feel about my Precious, Quinlynne. (I will insert here that I love Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. I feel as though they should be mentioned here because Heavenly Father IS my Father in Heaven and Christ is my elder brother, my Savior.)

2) I LOVE to travel. I am usually up for a roadtrip. Perhaps that comes from my truck driver father? I got to see much of the United States thanks to my dad. I've even seen lots of it on the back of a motorcycle. The Hoffmans never took a vacation if it wasn't in the truck- we gotta make money if we're going someplace. "If the truck's sittin' still, we're not makin' any money." I have been to Europe, too. Loved-it! Back to the roadtrips- nothing beats driving 80 mph on our highways with the sunroof open and good music playing, sun shining down...ahhh- I can feel it now!

3) I love the National Lampoons Vacation movies. I know I have mentioned this previously- but I can watch those movies over and over and over. My family IS the Griswolds. My dad was the perfect combination of Cousin Eddie and Clark W. Griswold. Just ask anyone who knew him. Our family watches these movies repeatedly- and we STILL laugh at them!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
New Commander in Chief

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Someone playing footsie?
Sunday, January 18, 2009
New Background
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Coupla questions
OK, couple of questions about the girl in this video. 1) Does she have the same ligaments, tendons, bones, etc. that the rest of us have? and 2) Do you think she'll have arthritis when she gets old? Goodness! That's amazing, and beautiful to watch!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Friday, January 9, 2009
Cute sayings
I keep on trying to remember to write down in my journal to Quinlynne some of the cute things she says. So, before I forget- one of the top things I LOVE that she says is "Tomorning". It is a cross between, obviously, tomorrow and morning. She gets up in the morning, or in the middle of the night sometimes and says "Can I watch Barbie now? It's tomorning!" I thought she would say it a few times and then stop. But honestly, I think she believes it is a true word. Perhaps it is in Quinlynneland.
Also, just a few minutes ago she woke up and said "My music stopped, I need it again." (Well, child, your music stopped a few hours ago- but ya know, whatever.) When she went to bed, I was not home. I had been out with my friend Brenda- being a menace to society at a few of our favorite places. So, when she came into the kitchen to get a drink she didn't see me sitting at the computer in the dining room. When she finally did she said "Good Morning, night." It just made me chuckle a bit.
While I'm on here, I'd like to express my sadness for the OU football players. Sorry, boys! My heart was with you- but it just didn't happen tonight. I'm not a HUGE sports fan (I'll hold while you feign shock), but I do like to get in on the 3rd & 4th quarters of football games. (BTW- I detest professional sports and won't watch any of those games.) I'm still proud to be a SOONER, though! I'll also admit that I just love to watch some Bob Stoops! Have you noticed how good looking the vast majority of the Big 12 football coaches are? Just today I learned of at least 4 more people that appreciate the gifts Bob Stoops' parents gave him; my friend and decided he is very popular with ladies in their 30s! Oh- and he does a fine job with his players, too! BOOMER--------SOONER!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Christmas Pictures, finally

Saturday, January 3, 2009
The Christmas Train
The day of The Christmas Train comes and it is absolutely frigidly freezing. I'm not kidding. And it was windy. The tickets were not transferable or refundable. So, we layered our clothing and grabbed blankets and headed out. I do believe the car thermometer said it was 9 degrees at some points during the drive. I was NOT looking forward to this. We started walking and tears literally came to my eyes as I was walking. Tears from cold and wind. We found Santa's house and sought refuge there. That's where we got some cute little pics of Quin and Isaiah.
Friday, January 2, 2009
The Nutcracker
Boy were they excited! They had great seats in the cheaper part of the Orchestra section, near an aisle. Quinlynne apparently wanted to stand up a few times, so Penny let her. They said she got a little restless towards intermission, but overall, she was a good girl. She was so good she got a Nutcracker ornament from the Tulsa Ballet for the Christmas tree!
This is Quinlynne coming out of the Performing Arts Center. Doesn't she just look...cute?
This is Charlsie, Quinlynne and Penny showing me where they'd been...The Nutcracker. It had turned off quite chilly- like it had dropped 15 degrees while they were in there, so Penny was telling me to hurry and get the picture! I think it's something that will have to continue to be a tradition!
Ice Skatin' in Oklahoma??
On the way there, I told Quinlynne we were going to skate on the ice. She asked where and I told her "Downtown". So- she thought she was big stuff when Grandi got in the car and she told Grandi "We're goin' downtown to skate! I gonna do a pirouette." No clue how she knew pirouettes occurred on the ice- but by golly- she was gonna do one. After we got everything strapped on and we wobbled our way to the ice....well, let's just say that perhaps next year Quinlynne will attempt a pirouette on the ice. I think the experience would have been better 1) had I found her mittens and brought them with me, 2) I been able to wear regular shoes on the ice and had a stronger foundation, if you will. After a few falls and frozen hands, Quinlynne decided she wanted a "ham-mummer" and wanted to leave.
She hung on to the side for dear life (like her Momma did).
Yes, take a look at that face- doesn't she look happy and comfortable?