Sunday, June 28, 2009

Yet another single girl story

OK, gals, here is another story from the chronicles of my life as a single gal.
There is a guy I have tried to date, on & off, for a couple of years now. I'm not a huge fan of him, but ladies...friends....sometimes I just yearn for the companionship of a man. I'm not saying I yearn for....."relations"....but companionship. And, the companionship is a little better when you know that man finds you attractive.
I will refrain from giving you ALL the past reasons why I have decided this guy is NOT for me. Let me give you this most recent happening. OK, he is always gritchin' & complaining that he never has a home-cooked meal. He works at a place where many times he does not get off before 9:00. He will call me sometimes around 5:00- 5:30 or so and ask what I'm making for dinner. Well, if I'm working, I have not gotten to that point yet. I'm still trying to get my kid & get home from work. He starts asking about the food preparation & says "well, I just sit here & start thinking about everyone at their houses, making dinner, & it makes me wish I was getting a home-cooked meal, too." Whatever.
So, last week I called him and asked him over to dinner. I had made barbecue pork ribs in a crock pot, bean salad, & Green Giant steamables potatoes & green beans with Rosemary butter sauce. First of all, he wants me to make him a plate & bring it to him at work. I said "I don't think so. I'm the one with the kid & I have to get her in bed." He tells me that my mom can probably put her in bed. Truth is- I don't want to be alone with him that long. SO, he ends up coming over. He's in the kitchen making his plate. He asks me where the green beans & potatoes are. I show him the package. He says "Oh, I thought you had made a big mess of homemade potatoes & green beans." That irritated me. We go into the living room & sit down (my uncle & mom were in the dining room), & he tries a bite of the Green Giant vegetables. He does not like them & feels free to tell me this. He said "what is this on these potatoes? Saffron?" I'm thinking to myself "do you even know what saffron is? AND, it's rosemary, as thus indicated by the 'rosemary butter sauce' on the label".
We finish eating (he had seconds), and we're sitting on the sofa together. Out of the blue he says "You know what would have gone good with that meal? Pasta salad." Me "I don't do pasta salad." Him "You don't do pasta salad???" Me "I'm not a pasta salad kinda girl. There's just not very many of them that I like, so I don't make them." Him "Not even the ones that are mainly macaroni??" Does anyone else find this unsolicited advice irritating? I made the dinner for myself & my family. Don't kick a gift horse in the mouth.'ll love this.... We're watching TV & he turns to me and says "Would you like to rub my feet?" Me "No I would not." The ONLY way to describe the look he gave me is incredulous. He looked at me incredulously, like he could NOT believe that I had turned down his offer to let me rub his feet. WTH? Here are my thoughts on this: it is not like he had a kink in his back, & he asked me to rub on it for a while. A back is something one cannot reach by oneself. If your feet are bothering you that much, crease your gut & bend over and get those dogs yourself. I am not dating you, you are not doing anything for me, so why would I want to rub your sweaty feet? I said "You know, as long as I've known you, you've complained about your feet hurting. If they hurt you that badly, you need to make yourself a doctor's appointment & get them checked out."
Seriously, you blame me? And the deal here is- I'll probably hang out with him again, simply because I am desperate for some companionship. I'd like someone a little better.


Jen said...

And you do deserve someone better!

The part about the saffron made me snort.

Anonymous said...

Um, I don't know how to say this politely, but he sucks. Even as a "companion", he sucks. How do you stand being around him? I can't BELIEVE he asked you to rub his feet AND criticized the meal all in the same evening. Oh, and he wanted you to bring him dinner when you have a toddler to get to bed? He doesn't get it at all! Run fast in the opposite direction! Plus he doesn't know what saffron is. Two thumbs down, my friend. You deserve nothing but the best. No compromises!

Angela said...

Don't compromise yourself even if you are desperate for companionship! "Do you want to rub my feet?" Ok first of all even a "Could you rub my foot please? It is bothering me." would get a HELL NO from me. BUT I HATE FEET AND ONLY WOULD TOUCH HUBS IF IT WERE FALLING OFF EVEN THEN A PLASTIC BAG WOULD BE NICE! Anyway.......WOULD YOU LIKE TO RUB MY FEET? HELL NO! Like it would be a privilege for you or something much like the other things he's asked you. Kick him to the curb baby and come cuddle with Moose even he is better than that!! Ok well maybe that is a gigantic stretch but you are so much better than that. And if he knows so much about cooking and spices and complimentary dishes THEN he should cook his own DAMN meal. Ugh as you can tell by this and the other stories I don't know why you put up with it! That is it I am buying you a quiet YET functional blow up doll.....he will never say the wrong thing! LOVE YOU!