Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Embarrassing Mom Moment

OK, I know there are plenty of embarrassing moments as a mom. But, this was the first time I actually wanted the earth to open up and swallow me whole.
Here is the scenario: Mom, Quinlynne & I were in the Walmart in Coweta. Mom was pushing the basket, I was walking alongside her, and Quinlynne was in front of the cart. (I miss the days when she wanted to ride int he basket.) This lady in shorts that were too short for her (just cause they make it in your size don't mean you should wear it), a black tshirt, and carrying a 12 pack of Bud Light came out of an aisle. Quinlynne says "Momma, she's fat!!!" I wanted to die. I didn't have any idea what to do. I turned to mom with my mouth open 6 feet wide. Luckily, Mom stepped in and told Quinlynne that we don't say that about people, it's mean & it hurts their feelings.

I was sweating. Literally, I was short of breath and I had perspiration over my entire face. I pray that woman did NOT hear my loud-mouth daughter. I mean, what does Quinlynne think her mom is? I wanted to tell her that, but why tell her negative things when she'll learn them soon enough already? Where on earth has she heard this? I never say that about someone, because I am self-conscious about it myself. Has anyone else ever had their kid say something embarrassing like this? What did you do?

1 comment:

Jen said...

Jack asked if a really large woman at the library was going to have a baby. I know that sweaty feeling!