Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Love starting the day with a chuckle

So, I was supposed to go to Tahlequah tomorrow morning for an annual thing to determine child support. I get a phone call this morning from the Tahlequah Child Support Office saying that burro (dumbass) called and wanted to do his portion over the phone and that I could too if I wanted to. I said that was fine. The first thing the lady said was "He wants to know if you want to waive any of the $17,000 in back child support that he owes,". I actually stifled the laughter and said "Um---no,". Then, throughout the entire thing that just kept coming back to mind and I was giggling. I finally apologized and the lady said "Well, glad I could start you off today with a laugh,". That you did, my friend! I mean, did Burro/Donor/Idiot really think that I'd waive that??? No- my kid doesn't need shoes, or clothing, or food..... what on earth was he thinking? He can be such an idiot- NOT the brightest bulb in the socket.


Anonymous said...

I giggled right along with you. Only because we have a dumbass in our family, too. My SIL's ex-husband who took off after the birth of their second child (whose birth he was not even present for because he was pissed about his camping trip being interrupted). Not one dime of child support in eight years! Good luck to you. They should be taken out behind the barn...

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh- she picked her children's genetic materials donor as well as I did! Those are classy men right there. I want a FRONT ROW seat on judgement day...see how they answer for their actions. During one court thing I told the judge that he swore he couldn't be the dad because he'd had a vassectomy. The judge told me he was an old cattle rancher and could definitely arrange that- he'd like to! Funny!

Anonymous said...

Ha! You should visit Pioneer Woman's blog (her link is on my side bar). She and her husband are ranchers, and she always takes pictures of the piles of calf nuts (that's what they call them) when they work the cattle. I thought of your donor when she posted the last set of pics! Hee hee...Here's a link to the page with that post, "Some Kids Trade Pokemon Cards." Her kids trade calf nuts. Enjoy!