This weekend was our annual
Hardwick Cousin Family Reunion. (My mom's maiden name is
Hardwick.) It was held in Allen, OK. Each year our reunions have a theme. The theme for this year was
Mardi Gras. One of the activities was a
Mardi Gras parade. Each family was supposed to do something. Mom left to go to Allen on Thursday with her brother. She informed myself & my
SIL (Mandy) that we were in charge of coming up with an idea for the float. I have more pictures of it coming, but....Mandy & I made tutus for the girls in
Mardi Gras colors. We called Mom to tell her & she said she wanted one too. So.......

There was more to the costume than this- but doesn't mom look HOT in the tutu? Speaking of was HOT at the reunion.
Since Mandy & I stayed up until 4 am making the tutus, I didn't get much sleep before it was time for us to leave and drive the 2 hours down to Allen. It was 98 degrees (at least, no exaggeration) during the day. I only got about 40 oz of water during the day. I was outside quite a bit. So, total- I spent about 6 hours driving during the day. I decided to drive home & when I got home- this is what my
edematous feet looked like.

Isn't it sexy? It was starting to swell up into my legs. I hadn't had swelling that bad since I was pregnant with
Quinlynne. I don't even think this picture does it justice.
Things I heard this weekend:
Quinlynne "Abby, do you know what booby cracks are for?"
Abby "What?!?!"
Quinlynne "Ya know- women's booby cracks? They're so men will fall in love with them."
Me trying to not make noise laughing in the front seat.
Abby "My mom doesn't have that I don't think. I never see it."
Quinlynne "My momma has it."
Abby "I see it sometimes too."
Quinlynne & I were driving back home last night, she was watching "Because of Winn Dixie". Just as we were getting on I-40, she started laughing. I heard her laughing & wondered what she was laughing at. She said "Momma- know why I'm laughing?"
Me "No. Why are you laughing?"
Quinlynne "I heard thunder & I it made me kinda wake up. It was in the movie, but I thought it was in our country."
I guess I'm gonna have to talk about the word "reality" & teach her the definition & when to use it. That kid cracks me up. "In our country" & "Booby