...so of course I'm going to publish a blog post. So much has been going on in our lives, that I don't even know where to begin. Quinlynne is in Kindergarten. Can you believe that? Doesn't it seem like just a few days ago this little girl: 
became this little girl? (Tilt your head, I haven't edited yet.) She has said some of the most hilarious things. Her first day of school I was leaving her in her classroom. I got about 3 steps out of the door and she said "Momma!" I was turning around expecting to see a sad face, or the beginnings of a meltdown. Instead she blew me a kiss. That's a big girl. (What's even funnier about the whole thing is that just as we were walking out the door my mom told me that she made it out the door from delivering me to my first day of Kindergarten. I called her name & she expected to see my ugly cry beginning. Nope, I waved & said "Have a good day!") Genetics folks....

Soon I'll have to post about the guy who tried to hit on me at Barnes & Noble when Quinlynne & I went there to read the new Fall & Halloween books. But- that'll take too much time right now. I mean, I AM supposed to be studying. Oh- & I need to tell you about my experience in school so far this semester. But, before I go- there is a link I'd like to share wtih you. Please go here and read about a friend of mine & the injustice which has occurred to her.
Oh my gosh, that's Shiloh! This just makes me sick. What an awful tragedy.
I cannot even imagine. Shiloh worked with me when she was in nursing school. She was great with the babies in EOPC...
BTW...get your behind studying and quite picking up guys at Barnes&Noble! You need to join the ranks of RN soon so we can celebrate!
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