Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009

This was at Logan Salat's birthday party. Her bib was bigger than her. But- it was red, white & blue. So was her outfit. She was about 7 weeks old here.
Look at those little leg rolls.
Hat & mittens from Grandi & Poppa on her 1st Christmas. She went right down for a nap after this.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Pork chops, dinner rolls, butter, etc.

This dress would not have been a bad idea if she had been waering a tshirt underneath, or a little cardigan on top. But the only thing this young gal had on underneath was her strapless bra.
So- two things in one day. A young lady committing a major fashion faux pas, and a new saying. Anyone else like a little butter with their bread??
Friday, September 11, 2009
Rear end

Am I totally uptight, or is there entirely too much usage of the word (I'm going to actually write it out once, in case you're wondering and can't figure it out) ass on TV & radio nowadays? I consider myself to be rather liberal, but seriously? I don't want to hear it, and I certainly don't want my child (or anyone else's child under my watchful eye) hearing it. I haven't even watched the show "Dance your ___ Off" because I'm pretty off-put by the title. People are saying it in clips that we see for sitcoms, it's on the radio, in commercials, everything. I don't think I should have to worry so much about the language that will be on TV in the middle of the day or early evening....especially when I have it tuned in to ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, etc. I don't consider TBS or TNT to be especially "risky" TV stations, but gaaawwwwleeee (pronounced like Gomer Pyle is saying it)! Also- I'm attacked by this little 3 letter word when I'm driving in my car listening to the radio. I will admit, I was listening to a country station recently & they announced a new song. Kind of a catchy tune. But the first few words, and the repeated lyrics, are "I've got my toes in the water, ___ in the sand". Seriously? What the heck? Please tell me I'm not the only person who is noticing this. Am I just noticing it now because I'm more cognizant of things due to my 4 year old sponge?
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
New swing
Friday, September 4, 2009
My Dad

This one is just funny to me. Dad had a new truck, and he was pointing to the fact that it's a Peterbilt. Not long after Dad died, my friend Brenda called & left me a voicemail. In a teary voice she said "I just pulled up behind a truck that had a bumper sticker reading 'Old truckers never die. They just get a new Peterbilt',". That is TOTALLY something my dad would have found hilarious.

There's this one of my parents with friends of theirs, the O'Dells. We had gone up to see them when they lived in Indiana.

My dad and Aunt Di, with me & my brother. It's okay, you can say it....I resemble my Aunt Di. My mom & my cousin Penny informed me a few weekends ago that the older I get, the more I'm starting to resemble her. (Notice the freakin' chin all of us have. UGH! Dad tried to make me feel better by telling me "Don't worry baby, that chin can take a hit and you'll never even notice it." My response was "Whatever Dad. 'Cause I get in so many fights" However, my brother has been in a few & I think he found Dad's words true.)

And this one is the best. This is my dad with his friend, Henry. Henry was making fun of Dad's hat that he got when we were in Branson. Seriously, my dad could be so gaudy. But, this smile is forever ingrained in my mind. My dad had what could be described as nothing other than a sh*! eatin' grin. Can you not just hear his laugh that goes with it?

Thursday, September 3, 2009
A rarity

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
My day in surgery