After the concert I signed Quinlynne up for her own library card and she checked out two books and a DVD. I don't know if she has the entire jist of a library yet, though. She knew we were at the library...she knew there were books there....and a neat rug inside a tree where there is a reading room.....but I don't think it all sank in yet.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Free concert???
After the concert I signed Quinlynne up for her own library card and she checked out two books and a DVD. I don't know if she has the entire jist of a library yet, though. She knew we were at the library...she knew there were books there....and a neat rug inside a tree where there is a reading room.....but I don't think it all sank in yet.
Dallas Temple

Friday, June 27, 2008
Some success
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Trip to doctor
I have been giving her some apple juice, prune juice, and last night I gave her a glycerin suppository. All to no avail! So, this morning- after nothing productive happened I made an appointment at her doctor's office.
After waiting in the waiting room for an hour (when it wasn't busy and we were the only people there) and my daughter pooping in her pants we were called back. We went over Quinlynne's diet, looked at her bottom, and felt her tummy. (I had saved the poop she had just released and the doctor looked at that too.) We were sent down to the diagnostic center and Quinlynne had an xray taken.
OK- let me tell you, my daughter has the cutest little bones I've ever seen! She also had a LOT of gas in her upper GI area, and none in her lower GI. We got a call late this evening and the doctor had looked at the xray and determined that she is just severely constipated. I have given the child pear juice, apple prune juice, water, and apples this evening. I will try to get some Miralax for kids tomorrow and see if that will do the trick. Anyone else have any suggestions I have not already listed??
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Oklahoma City Zoo
The 2nd day of our mini vaca dawned way too early for me. Quinlynne was a bear to sleep with during the night so my quality of sleep was not that great. We decided to get a bite to eat before we headed to the zoo. There was an IHOP next to our motel, but it looked crazy busy. So, we headed on down the road to Cracker Barrel. I do so love Cracker Barrel. As much as I wanted to shop inside, we rocked on the front porch so the kids wouldn't break anything inside. After our "20 minute" wait (I don't know how long it was- but I assure you it was a multiple of 20 minutes.) we were finally called. So, they take us into the dining room and they didn't even have a table ready for us. UGH! They got our orders wrong, it took freaking forever to get our food,e tc. Our "quick bite" was seriously a two hour ordeal.

With our bellies full we headed to the Oklahoma City Zoo. We saw Asian elephants that were trained. They even got Ranch dressing for doing special tricks. We saw Gorillas and Monkeys, Rhinos, a Bald Eagle, Bison, Bears, some ugly people, snakes, we fed the ducks and tons of other things.

Omniplex anyone?
Somehow (I think it was because the Trooper thought the kids were cute) Martez got off with a warning for going 83 in a 75 and not being able to find the insurance verification.
We made it to the Omniplex Oklahoma Science Museum and let loose of the children. Seriously, I think we adults had as a good a time as the kids did, if not better. (The Omniplex is a hands-on science museum.) Quinlynne played with alligators in the water, painted her face, put her head in an alligator's mouth, and climbed a rock wall.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Isaiah's 3rd birthday

Dancing Queen

Making Meatballs
Grandi decided that she and Quinlynne would make meatballs one day. My thought was "More power to ya!" So, Grandi helped Quinlynne put on her apron and they went to town. Apparently Quinlynne did very well and actually did help. She even rolled out some of the meatballs all by herself. I had to work later on that evening, so I did not get any of the meatballs that Quinlynne insisted they cook for dinner. Quinlynne must have thought she did a god job because she ate about 11 of them. (Sometimes the girl won't really eat for days; then other times I wonder where she's putting it!)

Future 4-wheeling?