Lately I've been mainly on the home computer (again). I swear, one day I'll get around and get my laptop up and going again. I've been looking at some pictures of Quinlynne 4 years ago during this time of year. What a cutie little baby I had. There are pictures of when her hair was just beginning to curl,
& the first time I put product in it. Pictures of her with her Poppa....she loved spending time with him. he went to a motorcycle rally and brought home a t-shirt for her that says "My Grandpa is a Biker".
He was so proud when he came home with that t-shirt for her. Doesn't she look perfectly content there with him? Also, I think it's crazy how much she looks like him. (My dad, as you know, was a truck driver. His handle on the CB was Big Wheel. When I was a little girl, about the age of 1 1/2 or 2, he brought home a blue sweatshirt that he bought at a gas station with a picture on it and the words BIG WHEEL. I think I have some cute pictures of me in it!) And some pictures of Quinlynne in one of my favorite outfits ever. .JPG)
She looked so darn cute in it...even when she got hold of a straw that had some Amaretto on it! Thanks Mama Becca!