Saturday, May 29, 2010

Questionable domestication

This morning we had the walk-through for Quinlynne's recital. We had to be up & at the Tulsa PAC by 8:40. Kinda early for a Saturday in my opinion. Nevertheless, on the way home Quinlynne told me she wanted pancakes. I told her we could do that at home and she was good with that. So, once we get home I got the pancake mix, milk & eggs out and started the process. Quinlynne asked me what I was doing. I told her I was making her pancakes. She said "But Momma, you don't make pancakes like that. You make them in the microwave (while pointing up at the microwave)." I felt like SUCH the horrible mother. My daughter really thinks pancakes are supposed to be taken from the freezer and "cooked" in the microwave. Am I a totally terrible mother, or what??

(By the way- she gobbled down two of my "different" kind of pancakes in nothing-flat.)


Anonymous said...

So dang funny!! It's a big deal in my house when I actually pull out the waffle iron instead of the box of Eggos.

ify said...

i'm no mother. but i for one like to hear mothers talk about their kids. thank for making me laugh.

Mom said...

Brenda's mom...Was her recital on Saturday? We went to the Neil girls' recital at 8 Saturday night. It was a lot of fun!