Friday, February 5, 2010


Just thought you'd like to know that we're in for some more bad weather. Oh heavens- joy.
In the meantime- Quinlynne has said some pretty funny things lately.
Quinlynne is already planning her birthday party. Keep in mind her birthday is in August. She was making lists of "good" & "not so good" kids. The kids that make good choices are the kids she is apparently going to invite to her birthday party. She would take a scratch pad and write each kid's name on a piece, then tear it off. She then tried to stick postage stamps on each piece of "addressed" paper. Well- these piece of paper were all over the living room & it was driving me nuts. I asked her several times to throw them away. She did not comply. I couldn't handle it any longer. I finally MADE her throw them away. This apparently just broke her heart & ticked her off. She confronted me in the hallway and said "When your mother gets home, I'm telling her you made me throw away my birfday lists!"
Today, Quinlynne got up before either mom or myself. Quinlynne had apparently helped herself to a small little chocolate shake I had made for her the night before & placed in the refrigerator. She came into my bedroom & told me she had spilled it & I told her to clean it. So, a few minutes later I get up and I see the mess. I squirt cleaner on it. It is really time that Quinlynne needs to get to school, but I don't want to take her. I tell her to go wake up Grandi & ask her to take her to school. The kid stood in front of me, pointed to the mess on the floor and said (with eyes as big as saucers) "I don't want her to see THIS!"
OK, one more.....Last week I was running late for the time I wanted to depart the house. I was not planning on taking Quinlynne to school, but mom assumed I was so...... I was trying to bark orders to get Quinlynne moving more quickly. I said "Hurry Quinlynne! We're running late. We've GOT to go!" She was standing there doing something at her dresser. She said "I'm hurrying. I can't run late to school, or else I'm gonna get fired. Dang it."
This kid, I tell you what!


Lauri said...

I LOVE IT!! She and Alyssa are two peas in a pod. She plans her birthday months in advance as well and I know all about lists, Lily is the queen of scrap paper list. I think my favorite is that she is going to tell your mom!!!

Brenda said...

My favorite is that she thinks she'll get fired if she's late to school! So cute!