Two weeks after Quinlynne's 1st birthday, my parents took Quinlynne with them on a trip to Idaho. They were only supposed to be gone 2 weeks. 23 later, they came home. I was a little bitter. Anyhow, I was worried about them taking her with them because I just knew mom would end up having to do everything and all of the work. Mom said that dad took care of Quinlynne more than half the time. I don't know if Quinlynne will ever remember the time she spent on that road trip with her grandparents, but I know my parents will. Idaho is where my dad is from, and he still has some family and old high school friends there. He had an absolute great time and I don't know how he made it home b/c his head was so big from everyone telling him how much that baby looked like him. Mom said it was quite an enjoyable vacation for them, and they took lots of pictures. Here is one of my favorites.
Isn't that just adorable? That's my dad, ever the truck driver- with his new little name-sake to teach about the United States as they journey through it.