So, ladies (& maybe gentlemen...I'm not sure)...I was thinking about romance. I personally like to still believe in it and hope for it. I was reminiscing about romantic movies that I've seen, and perhaps some romantic moments I've experienced. So here's the deal...I'll tell you about my most romantic moment & you tell me about yours. If you want to blog about it and then leave me a link, that'd be fine. Or if you want to write about it in a comment...whatever. It's up to you!
OK- here's my scenario:
I was in Myrtle beach, SC. I had been staying with a friend of mine who lives an hour west of the Beach. She was seeing a guy I was not crazy about, and I didn't want to be home when he came over. So, I decided to head to Myrtle Beach for the evening. I went to a club there that my friend and I had discovered called Revolutions. (If you ever get a chance to go- do it. It is a seriously fun place. They play music from the 50s- present. It's a blast. It's one of those places where you dance and dance and dance till you're disgustingly sweaty & you say to yourself "I am definitely going to sit the next song out"; then the next song comes on and you look at your friend and yell "I LOVE this song!!!" and you keep on shakin' your groove thang. Seriously- GO if you get the chance!) Anyhow- I was at this club by myself. This is not something I would dare do here in Oklahoma. So, I was kind of on the edge of the dance floor dancing by myself. I noticed this handsome man looking at me. I was not upset he was looking at me. Finally, I just looked at him and said "I know you wanna dance with me." (Where did I get the nerve??) He smiled & came and started dancing with me.
After a few songs he asked me if I would stay where I was, he had to go find his friends. I thought maybe it was just an excuse to leave, as he was gone for quite a while. Some other guy had come up to me in the meantime & the two of us were dancing together. Well, guy #1 comes back while I'm dancing with guy #2. I thought guy #1would turn around & leave, but he waited until the song was over, and I beckoned to him. It turns out that he was in Myrtle Beach on getaway with his buddies. They were all Marines. We had a good time dancing & when the club was getting ready to close, he told his buddies that he'd meet them at the hotel later on. He and I decided to go the beach and hang out.
We got out of the car and headed to the beach. We started walking along the beach. After a while our shoes in the sand became irritating. I had on heeled sandals. We took off our shoes and he took both pair in one hand and reached out to hold my hand with the other. We walked in the water a little bit, so we could feel the waves on our feet and ankles. We talked for a really long time. We finally sat down beside one another facing the ocean. He put his arm around me. He finally reached over and kissed me. It was really nice. We sat and talked, cuddled, & kissed for the longest. We were both getting sleepy. Then, orange light started making its appearance over the water. We watched the sun rise together.

He was a Marine, and when President Bush started sending troops to Iraq, he was one of the first ones sent. He had been in the Gulf War in the 90s, too. He was a sniper, so I constantly feared for him. He is one of the people that goes in front of the front lines. (My dad explained it all to me; and told me that he must be really good at what he does!) I used to get satellite phone calls at random times day & night, once from a hospital bed where he sat with his rifle after the Humvee he was in had been hit. He has been to Iraq, Afghanistan, Cuba & other such locales multiple times since we first met. He is now married. So sad for me. But- isn't it a romantic story?
So hit me with 'em....give me some romance to read about & believe in!!
How fun and so romantic! I confess that I am not a sucker for the romance, but I do have an experience.
When Neil and I were dating (all four weeks) he somehow managed to find out a whole bunch of personal info on me, and he hid clues all over Stillwater, and we went on a scavenger hunt. Each clue had a little something to go with it, like a book I wanted or my favorite candy, stuff like that. The last clue had a blindfold with it. I put it on, and he drove me around for awhile before we stopped at the house he lived in with several friends. When we got inside he took the blindfold off, and the whole living room was full of candles, and the table was in the middle of the floor with dinner waiting. His friends had gotten it all set up while we were out! It was a really fun evening with the hunt, and a relaxing dinner afterward with the guy I married three months later.
Now, the great romantic moments are simply lying in bed talking before we go to sleep. I love that the most.
I just posted mine on my blog! : )
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