Sunday, November 22, 2009
Three Little Pigs- new version
Friday, November 13, 2009
Since I'm talking about being in the PACU, let me include a picture of my child when she was 11 months old, in the PACU.

This was when she had her adenoids removed. I knew something was wrong when it had been over an hour since they took her back to the OR. Seems as though Quinlynne would not start breathing on her own after they stopped anesthesia. I knew she had scared everyone in all of the ORs, because they kept coming out (after I was with her) to look at her, but trying to look nonchalant. What's that old saying "Can't BS a BSer"? I know how to downplay things so people won't worry. I could feel all this gunk rattling around in my baby's chest, and the ambu bag which had not yet been discarded from surgery lying on her bed. Oh well- she came by the adenoid thing rightfully, I had mine removed 3 times, and Adar has always had problems with his. What a combination. So far, Quinlynne has had hers removed twice. I wonder how many times it'll take? Thank goodness for modern medicine and the people who Heavenly Father had with her in the room that day.
I hope that as a healthcare provider, I will be able to be a person patients and their families will be thankful for. It's my goal!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Halloween 2009