Quinlynne's birthday party was at Pizza Hut. The girl loves pizza, so I figured that would be a good place for it. Also- August 22 is just too dang hot for an outside party. Believe me, we've done it twice now. I did not want to do it again. I had the party on her actual birthday, which was a Friday. I was really surprised at the number of people who were able to come to the party. Thanks to everyone for coming! It was a dang good time.

I kept asking Quinlynne what she wanted her birthday party to be and for a month and a half she's been telling me "Pink flowers and butterflies". Sounds simple enough, right? Not so much. I ended up having to make her invitations because I could not find anything anywhere. By the time I did, it was a week before her party and obviously too late to get the invitations. We did get her napkins and paper plates though- turned out cute. Again, problem with the cake. I could have made the butterfly cake again- like I did for her recital. I went with this from Sam's though. You can't tell in this picture- but it was a pretty pink with lavender flowers.
I was quite impressed with the behavior of all the kids at the party. It is very nice that we had so many young kids at the party and so few behavior problems. Especially considering Quinlynne had been up since 7 that morning and going strong all day. We had her pictures done, went shopping, had lunch, went to Sam's, dropped off stuff at the fairgrounds for Just Between Friends, came home, and had her party...and the child never took a nap. She didn't even go to bed until 11:30 or so that night. Sheesh- what a day. But what a GREAT birthday! I will post her pictures when I pick them up in a few days. They turned out so well. Happy Birthday, Precious!